Monday, March 02, 2009

It Must All Be A Big Joke

So we have an African American President!
We have an intelligent President!
We have a potentially game-changing President!

Personally I'm elated that our country made the right decision and voted in force, however I must say that this has either opened the flood gates of ignorance or there are a few people out there that think since our President is black that gives them the right to make any racially insensitive statement or public display they choose.

I mean you would have had to have know that a monkey being shot was not a good idea for a major publication and you would have had to have known that calling cookies "drunken negro faces" was not that bright either right. So I'm thinking these people just fee free. They see Barack's win as a emancipation of thoughts and ideas. They feel we are in the age of aquarius where new ideas require no filter and ignorance is truly bliss. The proprietors of these businesses must believe that the problem of racial inequality and civil rights is no longer a problem in our nation. Maybe they are just joking. Either way you slice it... THEY ARE WRONG!

Go into any school in the inner city and then walk into one just ten miles south or 10 miles north and see the enormous difference. Look at the fact that blacks make $0.69 to the $1.00 that white men make for comporabale positions with equal education and you will quickly see that he system still needs fixing. I don't care if they make a black man Grand Puba of the world it still doesn't equate to fixing the injusticies and racial divide that exist throughout this great country.

I don't know.. maybe I'm being to sensitive... then again... you never saw any animal being shot when Bush was president now did you..

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