Monday, March 02, 2009

Dealing With Loss

I was having this conversation with a good friend last night about how I learned to deal with grieving by watching my parents. I wonder what do you do to deal with the loss of a loved one?


Anonymous said...

This is a tough one. I have the hardest time watching someone I'm close to pass in front of my eyes. But once they're gone, I spend the majority of my time thinking about what I learned from that person's life. What value did that person give me and my life? In what little way can I honor that person through my own examples? I've lost all four grandparents, and commit many thoughts to them and their ways. It's probably why I've grown to be who I am today.

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to even describe how one deals with the loss of a loved one, because for me, it's like I'm still dealing with it at times. I lost my father two years ago and it was a very unexpected loss. He had pneumonia two weeks prior and was on antibiotics. He laid down to take a nap and went on to Glory. I kept feeling like I needed to go see him that whole week and so when I received the call, it hit me like a ton of bricks...I should've followed my first mind! I didn't get to give him a hug and tell him how much I love and appreciate him...I didn't get to argue with him about the Celtics or the Bulls...we didn't talk about how I was really wanting to dump my now "ex" boyfriend b/c he had the same issue my father had years ago when I was younger. I was so proud of my father for being a God fearing, loving husband, caring father, Deacon of the Church, and just all around good man that he was. I lost my grandmother 6mths prior to my father and I was still grieving the loss of my other grandma (my dad's mother) three yrs prior. One thing I can truly say, is that God is so good. I am just grateful that these great people were not only in my life but their blood runs through mine...we are family. So, just keep believing that God is calling his people home, and that now you have an extra angel watching over you and bargaining your Destiny!

A sassy bit of sunshine said...

Time is the only thing that has helped me. Although I still tear up when talking about liver cancer.

Jeff Beckham Jr. said...

Thank you all for your replies. I lost an uncle recently and helped move another to a nursing home.. and Last year lost a few family members as well and this is all king of becoming surreal to me if you can understand that. I just wanted to know what you all did to deal with loss.

Alicia August-Wright, Event Curator + Lifestyle Designer of {ABA} said...
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Alicia August-Wright, Event Curator + Lifestyle Designer of {ABA} said...

First I want to say Jeff I really am proud of the man you have become. I knew in grade school you would be successful and I am glad we still can keep in touch to this day. "Dealing with Loss" People ask me that ALL the time how do I deal/cope and I still honestly don't THE answer. Today marks the 10th anniversary of my father's passing and it still hurts like it was yesterday. Even though I was only 18 at the time I knew what type of man he was and the "man" in my life had to be just as great. My mother became bitter after he passed and I never could grieve cause I had to help her. He was truly her soulmate and she was never the same after that. My mother passed 7 yrs after him (and they were 7yrs apart in age & both passed at the same age & season of the year-snow) which was just in 2006. Then I had to become the backbone for my family and now to this day slowly coping the passing of both my parents. I am learning from their marriage, morals, values, work ethics and impact they had on others. I now work at the same firm my mother did and it took ppl months to find out who I was (including my mgr) which makes it at times hard to focus cause folks come up to me all the time still teary eye. Ihave some "big shoes to fill here" so that helps in some erie way cause I want to leave the same legacy she did here, I look into my children when I am sad or down and without words my 6yr old knows whats on my mind. She tells me my parents are in heaven watching over me and she needs me to watch over her and her lil bro so they can be great people like me. I had to restore my faith in God Jeff it was so hard for me cause I couldnt understand why?? Why my parents? I became selfish but I had to stop questioning God's Will and understood that they were here to serve their purpose and its the reason why today I am a very strong will powered woman I am today...