Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Where Are My Brothers?

So I was sitting in the parking lot of Walgreen's today and I looked next to me and I saw a young black woman with two kids, no husband or man visible and I watched her struggle to get the kids together, get inside the store and run her errand. Then I looked over at the car next to me and I saw almost the exact same thing, except this woman had three kids. I proceed to look at the faces of both women and I saw strength, frustration, and a determination to be and do for their children. I got out the car and helped both women put their groceries in the car and God told me to"bless the woman with three kids with gas money for the week." Being obedient I proceeded to give the woman $25 (all the money I had) and I told her God told me to do it and that her breakthrough was coming. The woman was in shock and with a face welled with emotion she said, "thank you, you have no idea how bad I needed this." I began to think, where are the men?"

I was a fortunate one growing up. My dad, despite being young and probably very scared, stuck in their with my mother. He raised his children and worked hard everyday to assure that my sister and I had the best he could provide. My father, like his father before him, aspired to be more than just sperm donors they wanted to be real fathers and real men. They were men who disciplined their children, worked tirelessly to make sure their kids progressed in career and education further than they did during their time. Therefore it's hard for me to watch so many black women do it on their own.

Where are the men? Where are the fathers? Where?... I can't help but ask the question after looking at the world outside my window. I watch children hang out on the street late at night and watch young women dress and act in very womanly ways and I wonder where is dad to say, "come home."

As I anticipate watching the upcoming CNN documentary "Black in America" I'm expecting to see a large part of the discussion to be the absense of the black father.


Ticia said...

Jeff, you are an awesome brother - I am happy to call you friend -

1 Sam 15:22 - Obedience is better than sacrifice -

I am so happy you blessed that women - too often we are busy in our day..running here and there - we forgot to look and take notice -

There are blessings out there - God just needs a body to bring them forth - I am happy you were that vessel today! Kudos to you - and your ability to heed the voice of the Lord -

Where are our black men? I have much to say about this - maybe too much -

At any rate - I have been following CNN - Black in America this whole month - they have great clips on this topic you right on today and about black men - take a look!

Once again, it warms my heart to read of your selfless act today :)

Peace brother -

Jeff Beckham Jr. said...

Thanks homie.. you know I didn't do it to get kudos.. I did it because I thought about my sister, who is a singl mother, and what she would do without the support of her family. I pray someone would see her and help her..

We're blessed to be a blessing..

Luke 12:48 For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.

Ticia said...

Awesome Jeff -

I love that scripture -

Dominique-Michelle said...

Glad you were obedient.

Anonymous said...

What you have to understand is that it's generational. You act as your father acted and others act as they see oftentimes unintentionally. As much as we would love to say that we can do it all on our own we coddle our sons and raise our daughters and thus perpetuate the cycle. There are very few men who are able to break the cycle. Hopefully more men live up to your standard and step up. Lord knows we need them to. I'm now like the woman you saw and it's not easy, it is what it is and you have to pray and move on and try to break the cycle yourself as difficult as that may be.

Jeff Beckham Jr. said...

Kim keep your head up and keep pushing!... I know I'm blessed to have my father and that unfortunately we aren't the norm...

The Black Kat said...

Stopped thru via Sassy's page.

Loved this read. Touched my heart. Glad to see you being obedient.