This was a tough one for me being that I've had one of the worst work weeks imaginable but I had to go with Joseph C. Philips a.k.a Martin Kendall from the Cosby Show. First, I didn't like you character on the show (I thought you were kind of lame then). Then I watch the "Black in America" documentary last night and I have to say I so strongly disagree with so many of your statements it's ridiculous. I too like you Mr. Philips grew up in what our race would consider a privileged class but I'm not too self-righteous to believe that all the ills in the black community are self-inflicted. No a kid from the hood can't go to Harvard as easily as a kid from the burbs. After watching yesterday employers said that being black was no better than being white with a felony record in terms of hiring. So tell me how self determination and self sufficiency will fix that problem? So winner of the First Weekly "You Suck" Award goes to Joseph C. Phillips.
Runner Ups
John McCain
Mayor Daley for talks of cancelling the Bud Billiken Parade
I was very disappointed last night -
They made us look worse than what I already assumed -
Yes, there are many issues with our culture - but there are so many positive achievements - I would have liked them to focus on those things as well -
I also did not like their examples - all the men with light skinned damn near white looking to me - I wanted to see a brown, dark complexion brother holding his ... those people were great and all - but once again - it was very biased -
I also did not like that family in Little Rock with the black kids will all white women - don't get me wrong.. I have no problem with whites and black dating - but damn - that was extreme -
I am third generation cousin of Daisy Bates, she with Dr. King integrated the Little Rock H.S. and I can say, my family takes much pride in that - and seeing those people from that school was something -
I was actually going to Little Rock to meet one of the Nine - she wrote a book on Daisy Bates, and I helped her with the family tree - after seeing this, I am happy I was unavailable -
At any rate - I am majorly disappointed in CNN - DL Hugley - umph ... I have nothing to say on his piece either -
Martin from the Cosby show needs to take a seat real quick -
Okay...once again, I was heart broken - there are some great black men out here -
I would like a retake on this whole series - where did they find these people!!
I actually got the option to apply to be part of the documentary but I wasn't selected. I too was disappointed in what I saw. I mean there are so many positive example of what black is in America and we saw very few. The funny part was her take on how in every situation there was always a piece of negative there too. I know that is life but man can we show just one entirely positive story.
Not all successful black men have white women and not all black families are stuck with some kind of horrific legal tragedy.
I don't know, I have so many thoughts on this I need to put a book together on it.. lol
its a lack of exposure thing, perhaps. i used to tease you saying you grew up like a huxtable, but you were always grounded by faith and by your willingness to get in the trenches to provide community service to all levels within the community. so you know what many conveniently turn a blind eye to, simply by choice. he chooses, like many of us who even DID come from a rough upbringing, to ignore the hurtful truth that [as my minister homeboy says...] its real out here in these streets. and that very little has changed for the black man but his being increasingly convinced that there has been a change.
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