Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Your Vision.... Is Unique to YOU

You know I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Why do we continue to try to share the vision we have with others. I mean the vision you have for your life "should be" God given and, unless you are sharing that vision with your mate in which it greatly effects, most people will not be able to understand what you see. God shows something to you for you. Think of it like God as the architect who shows you the plans for a building (your life) it's very difficult for the brick layer, electrician, or landscaper to imagine the building that you were shown without the plans. They can still do their role in the project (your life) but the plans you received are for you and you alone. It doesn't stop them from laying brick or planting seeds to support that vision though.

You have to be careful what you share because when people don't understand something they may attack that very thing. It's very difficult for people to understand a visionary and even more so when those visions are God-sized. I share this to encourage you to protect your vision. Don't worry others will be able to witness what God has done once you accomplish that thing and again it won't prohibit anyone form performing thier role in helping you accomplish that thing. I'm not saying become isolationist I'm simply saying that when God gives you something pray over that thing and in time He will reveal when and where you are to move.

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