Sunday, April 12, 2009

Let Me Speak On It

I've taken steps
to be the best
at everything I've ever tried
But is it for God's glory
Or that twinkle in my eye.
That constant ambition,
Willingness to be the best
on that million dollar ride
but maybe God's request
for me
is an entirely different life.
One of service, humility,
to be the voice of those
with a soundless cry
who weep in the darkness
whose dreams are simply swept aside.
And I can't escape it
no matter how hard I try.
Cause it's something
God programed that's locked on the inside.
I pray it manifests cause as I sleep at night,
my dreams seem so real
that I can touch them like
Thomas touch Jesus' side...

1 comment:

Marian said...

Love this poem...very real and true regarding the plan for your life and who He has created you to be. Anyway, keep writing...I'm gonna keep scrolling through your stuff for a moment. :)