Sunday, July 18, 2004

A Day In The Life...

What I don't get is humanity... People say they want to do better but continuously fall into the same pitfalls and traps over and over again.. I see this at church more than any other place.. If you're saved act like it, if not do your thing but stop straddling fences.. it's sickening.. Of course no one's perfect and I don't expect anyone to be but I'm really sick and tired of people who are holy on Sunday and forget God existed on Monday....
I'm a pretty normal guy.. I like what most guys like.. cars, video games, women, but I think that what seperates me is my moral intergrity.. People (especially guys) don't seem to have that anymore.. I've been stabbed in the chest and back by more "Friends" than should humanlly be allowed... Am I better than everybody else?? YES!  I am.. God says we are called to be part of a Royal Priesthood and how many royals have you ever know to be common... I don't want to be common nor should you, but you should use common sense in the decisions of everyday life..
Ranting is so theraputic..
I'm Out!
J. Oliver..

1 comment:

Ticia said...

Hey Jeff - great post - you are a fantasic guy - Yes, the Lord has ordained us to be royal -

I know this is an extra old post - but I am sure you know your power, potential, and greatness - and you are using to bless others -

"Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matt 5:16